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Trump Not Reading Along George H W Bush Funeral Ceremony

Goodnight, and cheers for reading. Ceremonies celebrating Bush-league's life go on tomorrow.

This night, the former president will lie in serenity at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston.

Tomorrow'due south events will include a second funeral service at St. Martin'due south scheduled to begin at 11 a.chiliad. ET.

Bush's remains will then be transported past funeral railroad train to Texas A&G University in College Station, Texas, where he will be laid to balance on the grounds of his presidential library located on the campus.

Bush'southward plane touches downwardly in Houston

The bluish and white government plane conveying former President George H.W. Bush's casket and members of his family landed in Texas just after 6 p.chiliad. on Wed every bit the events commemorating his life and legacy continue.

Friends and family unit, later on deplaning, gathered on the tarmac at Ellington Airport to lookout the military honor guard escort the casket from the aircraft to a hearse bearing the presidential seal.

Bush's remains will be transported to St. Martin'due south Episcopal Church building for the adjacent phase of the ceremony, which will include a second funeral service Thursday in the state where he launched his political career.

During that service, Bush's grandson, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, and onetime Secretary of Country James Bakery volition eulogize the old president.

Following that ceremony, Bush'south remains will be transported by funeral train to Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. The former president volition then be laid to rest on the grounds of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, most his married woman, Barbara, and their girl Robin, who died of leukemia in 1953 at age 3.

View from left wing of plane carrying Bush home

The presidential plane, dubbed "Special Air Mission 41," conducted a special low-flying tribute flight over the George H.Due west. Presidential Library Center and the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Bush and Dole: A political rivalry for the ages. And so that final salute.

The scene inside the Capitol this week was arresting: 95-year-former Bob Dole, confined for years to a wheelchair, rising with aid to offer ane terminal standing salute to George H.W. Bush.

The history behind it fabricated it fifty-fifty more than poignant. Born just xi months autonomously, only into dramatically unlike circumstances, the ii men forged one of the preeminent rivalries of modern American politics, fueled past shared appetite and shaped past fateful twists and bitter confrontations, with Bush-league ultimately capturing the prize that always eluded Dole.

They both came to Washington effectually the same time, just from very different places.


'41' mowed into the Aggie baseball field at Texas A&M

When "Special Air Mission 41," the authorities craft carrying the body of former President George H.W. Bush, conducts a flyover 2,000 anxiety above Texas A&1000 in College Station, family unit members on the plane might be able to see another tribute visible down below.

The number '41' — Bush was the 41st president of the U.s.a. — has been mowed into the outfield at Olsen Field, home of Aggie baseball. Holly Kasperbauer, the assistant manager of the Public Service Leadership Program at the Bush-league School of Authorities and Public Service at Texas A&K, tweeted pictures of the tribute on Wednesday.

Nick McKenna, assistant athletic field maintenance manager for Texas A&M Athletics, said in a tweet that the Aggie field staff added "a little something actress to the outfield today in the hopes of providing a special touch to tomorrow's events."

Those Th events, role of his funeral services in Texas, include a 21-fighter flyover in missing man germination, which the Navy called "unprecedented" in size.

Former aide to George H.W. Bush: 'I'm glad' Trump came to the funeral

Joe Watkins, an MSNBC analyst and White House adjutant to former President George H.Due west. Bush-league, said Wednesday that he was "glad" President Donald Trump attended Bush-league's state funeral service.

Watkins chosen Bush's funeral "incredible," calculation that "people were crying all around me because it was then moving."

"It was funny and it was moving at the aforementioned time," Watkins said. "I mean whether information technology was Jon Meacham or former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney or Alan Simpson the erstwhile senator from Wyoming, who was hilarious but also simply so on point, or George West. Bush-league, the sometime president who moved and then many of us to tears."

On Trump, Watkins said information technology was "a big stride for him to be" in attendance, though he added that he thought Trump "had to exist in that location."

"But I'm glad he was in that location and I'g glad that he said what he said beforehand and that he was consistent with the spirit of the moment, which was about honoring the memory of George Herbert Walker Bush," Watkins said.

Exiting cathedral, Sessions chats with onetime Senate colleagues. Will he run for his old seat?

Old Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke with former Senate colleagues, including Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., every bit he exited the cathedral. NBC News asked if he plans to run for his old Alabama Senate seat — which he's been said to be considering — in 2020.

"I haven't cleared my brain on that," he said. He added that he doesn't notwithstanding have a timeline for making a decision. Democrat Doug Jones won a special ballot concluding year after Sessions left the seat open up to get Trump'south attorney general.

But Sessions, who earned Trump's wrath for recusing himself from oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller'southward Russia probe, was ousted by the president only a day after last month'due south midterm elections. Alabama is a heavily Republican state, and the GOP has a good shot at reclaiming the seat in 2020.

Bush departs Washington for the final time

The erstwhile president's casket, accompanied by family, is aboard "Special Air Mission 41," en road to Texas.

The government plane will conduct a "tribute flight" honoring George H.Westward. Bush over his interment site at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas, afterward this afternoon, according to a news release from Texas A&M University.

The library is located on the university's campus.

ICYMI: George W. Bush continues sweet tradition with Michelle Obama

Bush was caught on video passing a cough drop to the old get-go lady during John McCain's funeral service in September — and appeared to sideslip her something sweet ahead of his begetter's ceremony today, too.

What's next post-obit Bush'southward state funeral

With the erstwhile president's land funeral service in Washington, D.C., concluded, Bush's casket, accompanied past his family, volition now lath a government airplane and head toward Houston, where ceremonial events and remembrances will continue through Thursday.

Thursday morning, another funeral service will exist held at St. Martin's Episcopal Church building, where Bush'due south grandson, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Bakery will eulogize the former president.

Bush told CNN that his grandfather'southward funeral was an opportunity for the nation to "put politics bated."

Following that service, Bush-league'due south remains will be transported past funeral train to Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Bush will exist laid to rest on the grounds of the George H.W. Bush-league Presidential Library and Museum, virtually his wife, Barbara, and their daughter Robin, who died of leukemia in 1953 at age 3.

Bill of fare: Bush-league'due south funeral marked 'disappearance' of tribalism that has 'captured America'

Andrew Menu, who served as secretary of transportation under George H.Westward. Bush-league and afterwards as one-time President George W. Bush'southward chief of staff, told NBC News that Bush-league'southward funeral was reflective of his decency and respect for others.

"I establish this to be very moving, it was emotional, it was wonderful to see the world coming together to do this," Menu said, adding "We saw the former presidents, nosotros saw the president of the United States, this was not a political consequence, this wasn't a partisan event, this was a celebration of a life well lived and a country served extremely well."

The ceremony marked a "disappearance" of tribalism that has "captured America for so long," Card connected.

"He respected individuals who served, fifty-fifty when he didn't concur with what they had to say," Card said.

How Bush-league responded when he heard his ain eulogy

NBC's Willie Geist reports that Jon Meacham, biographer and friend to the former president, read the eulogy he delivered today to Bush before his death.

Hither's how Bush responded.

WATCH: Casket leaves cathedral as Bush heads domicile to Texas

Funeral attendees stand during terminal hymn every bit Bush's casket carried downwards the alley

The service is nearing its end, and as the terminal hymn is sung, the casket is carried down the aisle in procession.

The Bush family, again escorted by Maj. Gen. Michael L. Howard, followed the casket out of the cathedral.

Prince Charles filed out backside Supreme Courtroom justices Sonia Sotomayor and John Roberts, but every bit he passed them, they did not appear to exchange whatsoever words.

Assay: Westward. eulogy exceeded my expectations

I didn't accept high expectations for George W. Bush-league's eulogy for his father. The fraught relationship between them, chronicled in Jacob Weisberg's book, "The Bush Tragedy," suggested it might be cliche-ridden and well short of moving.

Information technology wasn't.

This was a fine moment for George W., a tough moment — equally whatsoever son who has e'er eulogized his beloved begetter (as I have) must know.

43 was, past nigh all accounts, a worse president than 41, who himself wasn't a "bang-up president," no matter what the commentary has been this calendar week. Just the amend angels of the family — and the nation — came through. Among the lines from his eldest son that rang true for me, as a longtime critics of the Bushes:

"He looked for the good in each person, and he unremarkably found it."

"He showed usa how setbacks can strengthen."

"He could tease and needle but never out of malice."

"He was built-in with just two settings — full throttle, then sleep."

When George W. Bush broke down at the end of his eulogy, information technology brought a tear to my eye.

I was not crying over the expiry of his male parent. He was 94, and his decease is no tragedy. And I wasn't crying over the authenticity and beauty of his son'due south dearest, though it was moving. I was pitiful because the Bush family, for all its leadership mistakes over the years, represents a tradition of service and honor and decency in this country that is at risk.

Let'southward hope these days of mourning can remind us that the generation that won World War II and built a slap-up nation — a man who represented our better selves, or at least an aspiration to dear and respect and decency — tin inspire usa to repair our land.

Jonathan Alter is an NBC News political contributor and analyst. His books include "The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies" and "The Promise."

Prohibition concluded 85 years ago today, NBC'southward presidential historian notes

Bush'southward pastor jokes about service canis familiaris Sully's popularity

The Rev. Russell Levenson of St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston spoke at former President George H.Due west. Bush's state funeral on Wednesday, following an emotional eulogy from former President George W. Bush.

Levenson drew some laughs from the audience when he began by mentioning how the 41st president'southward wife Barbara, who died earlier this yr, would note that his sermons would go on just a bit too long.

Levenson besides discussed Bush's terminal days, noting that former Secretarial assistant of State James Baker, Bush'due south longtime friend, was by his side at the very end. (George W. Bush-league, in his tribute minutes before, said that Baker sneaked his male parent Grey Goose vodka and steaks from Morton's when he was in the hospital.)

Also getting a hat tip from the pulpit: Sully, the service canis familiaris with the quondam president in his final months. The dog, said Levenson, seemingly "has gotten more than printing than the president in recent days."

"Mr. President, mission complete," Levenson said, in reference to Bush'southward stint equally a military aviator. "Welcome to your eternal home, where ceiling and visibility are unlimited and life goes on forever."

'The best father a son or daughter could have': George West. Bush chokes upward as he ends eulogy

Analysis: Was Simpson's eulogy equally much about Trump as information technology was most Bush?

Quondam Republican Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming, who delivered a tribute to Bush-league earlier in the service, could be a fierce partisan when he was in the Senate. We clashed on more ane occasion, most memorably when we were the two guests on Charles Grodin's old show on CNBC. He defendant me of wearing my "Jesus shoes" — a reference to me being high and mighty on some consequence I've long forgotten — which I considered foreign because that I'm Jewish. But he was always practiced for a funny quip and nosotros talked hands in after years.

His eulogy was also terrific, and information technology included some lines nigh Bush that are especially resonant in the Trump era. I'grand thinking peculiarly of "those who travel the high route of humility in Washington are non bothered by heavy traffic," and "hatred corrodes the container information technology is carried in."

When he said the latter, I was wondering if any of this talk most loyalty, friendship and decency was sinking in for the president, sitting on the aisle. I doubt information technology.

Jonathan Alter is an NBC News political contributor and analyst. His books include "The Eye Holds: Obama and His Enemies" and "The Promise."

Behind the unlikely friendship between historian Jon Meacham and Bush

If you or anyone yous know is asked to speak at a funeral, you would be well-advised to read or watch Jon Meacham's beautiful eulogy for President Bush.

Full disclosure: Jon and I knew each other from the Washington Monthly and worked closely together at Newsweek for 15 years. He has helped me on my own history books and we remain friends. Jon getting to know Bush was an unlikely development because Bush-league, who had a long memory for insults, despised Newsweek for a 1987 embrace entitled, "Fighting the Wimp Factor."

The author of that headline, Jon's shut friend and swain historian, Evan Thomas, has since explained why that encompass line was so wrong. Bush soon realized that Jon was a freshman in college at the fourth dimension and diameter no responsibleness for it. They bonded almost immediately in ways that are highly unusual between a president and a announcer — though of course Bush was no longer in office and Meacham was more historian than reporter.

His biography was nicer to Bush than I would have been, but he doesn't permit him off the claw for the nasty 1988 campaign he ran against Michael Dukakis and his other shortcomings. Anyone who appreciates Jon's eulogy should read that and his other books, on FDR and Churchill, Andrew Jackson and, most recently, difficult moments in American history — more difficult than today — and how nosotros survived.

Jonathan Change is an NBC News political contributor and analyst. His books include "The Middle Holds: Obama and His Enemies" and "The Hope."

Irish gaelic tenor who sang to Bush sings at his funeral service

Irish tenor Ronan Tynan sang "Concluding Full Measure of Devotion" after former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson'southward eulogy of former President George H.W. Bush at his funeral service.

Tynan had performed for Bush-league at his 80th birthday commemoration, in addition to singing to him while he was on his deathbed.

'The brightest of 1,000 points of light': Bush-league remembered by his son

Former President George W. Bush-league'south voice quavered and broke, his eyes welling up with tears, as he came to the conclusion of a highly personal tribute in which he described his late male parent every bit "the best father a son or daughter could ever take."

While others gave testament to the elder Bush'southward qualities as a politician and national leader, his eldest child focused on recalling his personal attributes.

"The horizons he saw were bright and hopeful," Bush said.

He talked about his male parent's devotion to his mother — how he would concur one-time Offset Lady Barbara Bush's mitt while they watched police dramas on television in their later years — and how he prayed daily for the daughter who died decades agone.

The elder Bush-league loved jokes — "about of 'em off color" — his son said. "He could tease and needle but never out of malice."

At the terminate, dearest was on his mind.

The younger Bush said he called his father shortly before his death and was told the 41st president might be able to hear him but hadn't said anything for awhile.

"Dad," the younger Bush recalled saying, "I honey you've been a wonderful male parent."

"I love you, too," the father replied — his terminal words.

Former Sen. Alan Simpson: Bush told me I just had 10 minutes to speak

One-time GOP Sen. Alan Simpson won a lot of laughs with his eulogy, first by letting the audition know that Bush himself told him he would accept to wrap upward his speech within 10 minutes.

Simpson discussed his longtime friendship with Bush, which began in the 1960s when Simpson'due south begetter, himself a one-time GOP senator, sold the future president a home in Washington on a handshake agreement.

The quondam Wyoming senator discussed how Bush remained a shut friend even as Simpson, in his words, went from being part of the A-list of Washington social circles to the Z-list.

Simpson went down a listing of Bush's legislative achievements, crediting him for having the willingness to break a campaign hope to non raise taxes in order to pass a budget.

"He frequently said: 'When the really tough choices come, information technology'due south the country, non me. Not well-nigh Democrats or Republicans, information technology'due south for our country that I fought for,'" Simpson recalled Bush saying.

Bush-league was someone "y'all would've wanted on your side," Simpson said.

"He never hated anyone," Simpson said, calling Bush-league the "well-nigh decent and honorable man" he had ever met.

Former Canadian PM Mulroney: 'No occupant of the Oval Office was more courageous, more principled and more than honorable'

Former Canadian prime government minister Brian Mulroney paid tribute to his friend George H.W. Bush, as a "admirer" and "a genuine leader."

"I believe it will be said that in the life of this occupant of the Oval Office was more courageous, more than principled and more than honorable than George Herbert Walker Bush-league," he said.

Mulroney, who was a fellow world leader with Bush from 1989 to 1993, delivered the second eulogy at the funeral for the 41st president at the Washington National Cathedral on Wednesday.

He spoke of the former president's humour. Subsequently a especially long speech from the prime government minister of Iceland at one result, Mulroney said Bush walked over and said: "Brian, I've but learned the fundamental principle of foreign diplomacy."

"What's that, George?" Mulroney responded.

"The smaller the state, the longer the spoken language," Bush said.

Mulroney too reflected on Bush-league's leadership in guiding through important environmental legislation that impacted the United States and the earth.

"And let me tell y'all that when George Bush was president of the United States of America, every unmarried head of government in the world knew that they were dealing with a gentleman," he said. "A genuine leader. One who was distinguished, resolute and brave."

Mulroney spoke emotionally while remembering a visit with the Bush family at their abode in Kennebunkport, Maine where Bush reflected on how satisfied he was with his life and family.

"There are wooden ships. There are sailing ships. In that location are ships that canvass the ocean," he said. "Merely the best ships are friendships, and may they ever be."

Granddaughter Jenna Bush-league Hager gives 2nd reading

Jenna Bush Hager, whose younger daughter is named Poppy subsequently the late president's babyhood nickname, read from Revelation 21:1-four, 23-25.

Hager, whose older daughter is nicknamed Mila, shared remembrances of her grandfather with the "Today" show alongside her twin sister, Barbara Bush-league.

"I feel so lucky that my kids got to know him. Mila will remember him. And Poppy was named after him, which is the biggest approval," Hager told "Today." "Yesterday, Mila goes, 'Poppy, yous know that you were named after the best man in the world, don't you?' And, of class, I had to get hibernate in the kitchen and weep," she said.

Biographer Jon Meacham: Bush-league was the 'concluding great soldier-statesman'

Presidential historian Jon Meacham, who wrote the definitive biography of George H.W. Bush-league in 2015, delivered the kickoff eulogy at Bush-league's state funeral in Washington on Wednesday.

Meacham began with a heroic anecdote from Bush's service as a airplane pilot during World War Ii, describing when Bush's aeroplane was shot down over the Pacific.

Meacham chosen Bush-league the "last great soldier-statesman," maxim he embodied the values of presidents like John Adams, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.

"He believed that to whom much was given, much was expected," Meacham said.

Meacham highlighted some of Bush's greatest accomplishments, including managing the end of the Common cold War and signing the Americans With Disabilities Deed.

"An imperfect homo, he left us a more perfect union," Meacham said.

Public speaking wasn't Bush's strong suit, Meacham noted, mentioning Bush'south acknowledgement of his shortcomings. Meacham then dove into Bush's matrimony to Barbara Bush-league, who died earlier this twelvemonth. They were married for more than 70 years.

Bush was a "loving man, with an all-enveloping heart," Meacham said.

Meacham circled dorsum to the offset of his speech, when he noted Bush's plane existence shot down in World War Two. Proverb Bush had the centre of a king of beasts, Meacham said Bush was spared that day so that he could go out a lasting mark on the nation.

Lookout: Bush's casket enters National Cathedral for funeral service

Granddaughters Lauren Bush-league Lauren and Ashley Walker Bush evangelize first reading

Lauren Bush-league Lauren and Ashley Walker Bush, granddaughters of the former president, delivered the first reading of the service.

They read from Isaiah lx:1-v, 18-20.

Bush-league'southward funeral service begins

Former President George H.W. Bush's state funeral service began simply later 11 a.m. on the East Coast at the Washington National Cathedral.

Members of the Bush family, including son and former President George Due west. Bush, arrived, and briefly greeted President Donald Trump and three other sometime presidents and their spouses seated in the commencement pew. They were escorted to their seats past Maj. Gen. Michael L. Howard.

The service is being circulate live.

Twitter users pay tribute to 41 with #socksforBush

Onetime President George H.Due west. Bush-league was a man who spoke quietly — simply wore plenty of loud socks.

In his subsequently years, he often wore special socks to promote causes like voting and Downwards Syndrome awareness.

"I like a colorful sock. I'm a sock man," he told his granddaughter Jenna Bush-league Hager during a 2012 "Today" Prove interview.

Every bit his funeral began, social media users paid tribute to him past posting pictures of themselves wearing fun or colorful socks using the hashtag #socksforBush.

The 41st president volition be buried in a special pair of socks celebrating his service as a Navy pilot during Globe War II.

Lookout man: Trump arrives for funeral service, greets Obama

Trump, Obama shake easily in apparent first interaction since inauguration

There was an awkward moment when President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were seated in the front pew.

Former President Barack Obama reached out to milk shake Trump's paw, and old President Neb Clinton looked across the Obamas as if he wanted to make some sort of connection with Trump. Merely Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in the 2016 presidential election, gave no sign of acknowledging Trump. Instead, she nodded to Melania Trump, who waved to her and erstwhile President Jimmy Carter.

The Obama-Trump handshake appears to be their first directly interaction since Trump's inauguration nearly 2 years ago.

President George W. Bush, former GOP senator among those giving eulogies

Four men will eulogize President George H.W. Bush on Wednesday at his state funeral in Washington, D.C.

They are as follows:

Jon Meacham

Meacham, a presidential historian, published in 2015 the definitive biography of the elderberry Bush president: "Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush."

Brian Mulroney

The former Canadian prime minister, Mulroney is a longtime friend of the ex-president.

Alan Simpson

The former GOP senator from Wyoming said his friendship with Bush-league dates back to the 1960s when his father sold his Washington, D.C., home to the future president.

George W. Bush

Not since John Quincy Adams won the 1824 presidential ballot had the son of a president gone on to serve as the commander-in-chief. That was until Bush won the 2000 election, following in his father's footsteps. The 43rd president is the eldest of his male parent's vi children, who also include old Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a onetime presidential candidate himself.

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston visits 'presidents' row'

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, who represents a Houston district and is known for making her fashion to the center aisle of the House chamber for Country of the Union addresses, visited "presidents' row" in the cathedral, where she spoke with former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. As she arrived, former kickoff ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton shared a warm embrace and then Michelle Obama hugged Jackson Lee.

Trump motorcade arrives at Cathedral

The Trump motorcade pulled to a end at Washington National Cathedral at 10:35 a.1000.

Onlookers lined Pennsylvania Avenue and 22d Street. A policeman in a yellow reflective jacket held a salute every bit it passed Thousand St.

Bush'due south casket is en road to National Cathedral

Barack Obama greets retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake earlier taking seat

Former President Barack Obama warmly greeted retiring Sen. Jeff Fleck, R-Ariz., and two of his sons while, a few anxiety away, quondam first lady Michelle Obama exchanged pleasantries with Vice President Mike Pence.

The Obamas are seated next to sometime President Bill Clinton and former Secretarial assistant of State Hillary Clinton.

Biographer Jon Meacham, i of Bush's eulogists, waits in wings on cathedral

Bush biographer Jon Meacham, tapped to evangelize the first eulogy, stood in the wings of the cathedral as roughly iii,000 mourners filed in, talking with William Bennett, who served as the director of the Function of National Drug Command Policy — the federal drug czar — in the Bush administration and as Education secretary during the Reagan assistants.

Andrew Card, who was deputy White House chief of staff for the elder Bush and White House master of staff for George W. Bush, stood a few feet away.

Prince Charles, Angela Merkel among foreign dignitaries attending Bush-league'southward funeral

Hither are some of the prominent people expected to attend President George H.W. Bush's country funeral in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday:

  • Donald Trump and offset lady Melania Trump
  • Former President Barack Obama and beginning lady Michelle Obama
  • Former President Bill Clinton and erstwhile Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • Onetime President Jimmy Carter and get-go lady Rosalynn Carter
  • Former Vice President Al Gore
  • Old Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden
  • Former secretaries of Country Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell
  • Charles, Prince of Wales
  • King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan
  • High german Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • Former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning

More than notable arrivals, every bit seen by CNBC's Christina Wilkie: Supreme Court justices John Roberts, Elena Kagan, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, equally well as Interim Attorney General Matt Whitaker. Thomas hugged Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West.Va.

Gore, Powell conversation at Bush-league'due south funeral. They weren't always then friendly.

Former Vice President Al Gore stopped in the centre aisle of the cathedral to chat with former secretary of State and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Colin Powell. During the commencement days of Bill Clinton's administration, the two went toe-to-toe over the question of whether there was a parallel between rights for gay people and rights for people of color.

Powell and other military brass opposed efforts to allow gay people to serve in the military. Simply he reversed that position in 2010.

Powell ripped Gore'southward 2000 campaign managing director, Donna Brazile, for saying that Republicans leaned on Powell and other black celebrities because they would rather "take pictures with blackness children than feed them."

Trump has not spoken with Clintons or Obamas since inauguration

President Donald Trump has not spoken with either erstwhile President Bill Clinton or former Secretary of Land Hillary Clinton since the 2017 inauguration about 2 years ago, according to people close to both families.

He has as well non spoken to former President Barack Obama since the peaceful transition of power, co-ordinate to our sources.

The Clintons and the Obamas are amongst the guests expected to attend Bush's cathedral service Wed, along with the president and showtime lady Melania Trump.

When Trump was asked if he planned to reach out to either of his predecessors on the pipe bombs addressed and mailed to them in October, he told reporters: "If they wanted me to, merely I think nosotros'll probably laissez passer."

Melania Trump attended one-time first lady Barbara Bush'due south memorial before this year in Texas, simply the president did not attend that service "to avoid disruptions due to added security, and out of respect for the Bush Family and friends," a White Firm official said at the time.

More than electric current and sometime lawmakers arrive

Former Vice President Al Gore, former New York Gov. George Pataki, political adviser to George Westward. Bush Karl Rove, former Homeland Security Secretarial assistant Tom Ridge, Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, who represents Bush's quondam House commune merely just lost in the midterms, Rep. Marker Meadows, R-N.C., and many other lawmakers take arrived at the National Cathedral ahead the funeral service.

The service is scheduled to begin at 11 a.chiliad. ET.

More than 50,000 people paid their respects to Bush at U.South. Capitol

Roughly 57,000 people came through the U.S. Capitol to pay their respects to President George H.W. Bush-league as he laid in state for the past two days, a source with knowledge of the count told NBC News on Wednesday.

This estimate includes staff and visitors.

Trump tweets he'due south 'looking frontwards to being with the Bush family'

Peyton Manning, Condoleezza Rice among early arrivals for Bush'south funeral

Former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning was one of the luminaries from across the political, sports and entertainment worlds who showed upwardly early on at Washington'southward National Cathedral for Bush's funeral.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former ABC News White Firm correspondent Sam Donaldson, who covered Bush-league, and sometime secretaries of Land Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., all arrived in the chapel by 9:30 a.k. ET. Former Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, have also arrived.

NBC News is told past Cathedral staff that one time anybody is in and seated there will be approximately 3,000 people in attendance — essentially the capacity of the building.

A reporter'due south view from within the Washington National Cathedral

Rarely seen Bush scrapbooks show dear story that stood test of time

Ahead of the former president's country funeral service in Washington, Mary Finch, the audio and visual archivist for the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas, gave NBC News a look at the rarely-seen scrapbooks that sometime kickoff lady Barbara Bush kept of the couple's life together.

In full, she fabricated 118 — and those memories are carefully preserved at the library in Texas.

View images of the 1-of-a-kind scrapbooks, tokens of a private life the public rarely saw.

Jenna Bush Hager, Barbara Bush recall final moments with George H.Due west. Bush

The twin sisters open up for the first time since the death of the 41st president, sharing with TODAY some touching memories of the man they knew as "Gampy."

Lookout man the video, and read more than about their remembrances on TODAY hither.

WATCH: One-time Sen. Bob Dole salutes Bush's casket in emotional cheerio

Dole and the former president were both veterans of World War II. Bush would go on to defeat Dole in the 1988 Republican presidential primary to win the political party'south nomination.

"And then much history in this moment," NBC News' Steve Kornacki wrote on Twitter Tuesday. "An intense rivalry for ii decades with many fateful plotpoints, edifice to Bush'southward 1988 triumph in NH. But they put it behind them and days subsequently the '92 election Bush emotionally passed the torch to Dole as the new elevation Republican in DC."

Coast Guard ring members are struggling to proceed their instruments warm

Information technology's just a tick above freezing in Washington this morn, and members of the Coast Guard band who were standing in line to go through security said there isn't much they can do to keep their instruments warm.

But some of them utilize plastic mouthpieces to prevent the tongue-sticking-to-the-flagpole consequence that can occur when they blow into a cold metal instrument.

The six words that changed George H.W. Bush'due south presidency

Information technology became the most famous broken promise in modern political history.

George H.W. Bush made it within the New Orleans Superdome on Aug. 18, 1988. He was there to have the Republican presidential nomination and to launch his fall campaign against Democrat Michael Dukakis.

"My opponent won't rule out raising taxes, but I volition," Bush said. "And the Congress will push me to raise taxes, and I'll say, 'No.' And they'll push, and I'll say, 'No.' And they'll push again, and I'll say to them, 'Read my lips: No new taxes!'"


Bush-league's is first land funeral since onetime President Ford

On Wednesday, President George H.W. Bush will accept the rare honor of a country funeral at Washington'south National Cathedral.

The anniversary has been held for some of the nation'southward presidents and other notable figures. This will exist the first such funeral since one-time President Gerald Ford died in late 2006.

A land funeral, ordinarily a days-long event, is filled with military-related details from 21-gun salutes to musical pieces performed by armed services bands and choirs. The funerals are conducted by The Military District of Washington.

Some of the nearly recent presidents to have a state funeral included Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Lyndon Johnson.

What is a national day of mourning? Trump declared ane in accolade of Bush-league

President Donald Trump alleged Wednesday a national day of mourning for former President George H.W. Bush-league, where in Washington, D.C., he will accept the first U.S. land funeral in more than a decade.

The announcement has significance — flags will be flown at half staff and both federal offices and the stock market will be closed. In Maryland and Texas, where Bush began his political career, country government agencies and offices will be closed in Bush'south honor. And in Maine, where Bush spent decades at his Kennebunkport circuitous, non-essential state offices volition exist closed.

The funeral itself will be broadcast live from Washington National Cathedral later today.


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